Sunday, January 2, 2011

Together We Can; Her Photo

She lies in her bed at night, wondering
What will her future be, if she never leaves this place?
Her prison, her jail, has kept her from the outside world
For these many years
How many more will she have to spend inside these walls?
The food is bland, and the bed bugs bite, but a word cannot escape her mouth
Every night, she dreams of a family that will care for her, be there for her, protect her
But her eyes flutter open, and she is pushed into reality
On full moon nights, she fingers a picture
Worn out with care
Creased edges, yellowed, but loved
Of a man and a woman
Holding a child, rosy dimpled cheeks shining
Where are they now, she thinks, why am I all alone?
A tear falls, and smudges against the picture; ink splatters
She stares into the sky, wishing, praying, hoping
The days fly by, and she is peering through the windows
When she spies, a family walking up the street
But a few moments later, she is called; her heart beat quickens
She runs through the door and stops in front
Of a family.
Their warm smiles glimmering
The young girl reaches out hugs her, and something deep within stirs
A family! She realizes; my own family!
Her heart sings, and she flies
Into their arms, hopeful, smiling, with glee
Together, they walk home
And she reaches
Into her pocket, and her fingers find the photo
She holds it against her chest, breathing hard
Her previous life fades behind her, as she slips the photo out of sight
Clutching her sister’s hand, and never looking back,
Looking forward to a roller coaster of an adventure,
She heads for home.
Together we can,
Change a child’s future, so they can have a life to live
Help them rise to great heights, and be someone in this world
Give them something they can strive for- a family.
People who care for them, protect them, love them
Let these children have wonderful reminiscent of their past
Together. We. Can.